Gold Price: $2,736/oz
Last: 4.23
Change: 0.08
Last: 3.08
Change: 0.01

Royalty Referrals

What we are offering?

Vox Royalty Corp is looking to (a) acquire existing mining royalties or (b) originate new royalties through providing project funding or paying tenement/claim fees for a period of time. Origination of new royalties can be linked to:

  1. Existing mineral properties or
  2. Staking of new mineral properties

In the case of option (b), in return for providing project funding Vox Royalty Corp would be granted a net smelter return royalty (“NSR”). Many tenement/claim holders are having a difficult time paying the fees associated with their property and face losing their mineral rights or they do not have the capital needed to stake new properties.

What we are looking for?

Our preference is for mineral properties/claims within close proximity (~50km or less) to an operating mine located in Australia or the Americas, but we are open to almost all countries. Our due diligence will focus on the geology and evidence of economic mineralization through previous exploration.

Why partner with us?

Our due diligence process is VERY fast. We will try and deliver a Yes or No answer within 48 hours. No administrative holdups. You will be dealing with the decision makers directly. In an environment where capital is limited for mining companies, you can ensure your project stays in good standing or you have the capital needed to stake new properties. Vox Royalty Corp has a strong balance sheet, no debt and is generating cash flow.

In order for your property to be considered, please fill out the information fields below. Maps should be simple and easy to read, highlighting the property’s location relative to an operating mine(s), in addition to showing previous exploration results and geology. For large documents, provide a link in the "Description of Geology" and "Previous Exploration Results" fields where the file(s) can be downloaded. If Vox Royalty Corp selects your project, a binding Letter of Intent ("LOI") will be emailed for your consideration. This will be followed by a formal agreement that will be specific to the province/state where the property is located. Note: All fields mandatory

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